Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm Finally Back

Here I am at University of Michigan (again)!  Finally feeling better after 2 weeks of rest and 2 weeks of treatment.  I feel like the fog is lifting and its time for ME!  What exactly does that mean . . . A quick trip to the bookstore, a white chocolate Mocha at Starbucks and a golden M&M brownie.  I texted my daughter and told her I thought I died and went to heaven.  That is exactly what it felt like.   I was reborn and ready to go.  Go where you say?  Not a clue, but I'm ready.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Power of Focus

We are all pulled in many directions doing many different things and the secret to doing something well is to focus on it.  Trying to do everything is like trying nothing.  Good things can happen if we actually have a goal and a clear objective.  I have wanted to start documenting and blogging for years, but I never did it because I didn’t have a goal or a objective.  I now feel like I have both and I no longer have to think about doing it, I just try do it every day and I am enjoying it.  If I am not writing it, I am thinking about it and soon it will be a habit and I will do it more often.
Here is a quote from a scholar and educator David Star Jordan:  “The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he or she is going.”  Woo Hoo new words to live by!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Me!

I was reading a book last night and it said to list what you are passionate about and then figure out how to do it.  So I wrote down, learning and sharing.  Then I listed what I like to learn about and how I could share it.   I love to read all kinds of books; novels, how-to, self improvement, business etc.  I also like to share what I learn in those books.  For years I have written down little snippets from many books and magazines and they are scattered in journals, notebooks and even on the computer.  I decided that by starting a blog, I could keep track of all the things I am interested in on any given day and it will be in one central location for me and anyone else that might enjoy my learnings.

My other passion is preserving memories, so I love to scrapbook and have been keeping photo albums and scrapbooks since I was in high school, almost 40 years ago.  I am now trying to preserve those old albums and documenting more of my thoughts and I am learning more about myself.

I have many scrapbooks on my daughter and her life and I love looking through the albums and reliving every moment.  This blog will by my way of preserving my thoughts and what I learn on any given day.